Hindu – Brahmin – Matrimonial Ads
Brahmin (/ˈbrɑːmɪn/; Sanskrit: ब्राह्मण, romanized: brāhmaṇa) are a varna (class) in Hinduism. They specialised as priests (purohit, pandit, or pujari), teachers (acharya or guru), ayurvedic physicians and protectors of sacred learning across generations.
The traditional occupation of Brahmins was that of priesthood at the Hindu temples or at socio-religious ceremonies and rite of passage rituals such as solemnising a wedding with hymns and prayers. Theoretically, the Brahmins were the most respected of the four social classes.
Their livelihood is prescribed to be one of strict austerity and voluntary poverty (“[A Brahmin] should acquire what just suffices for the time, what he earns he should spend all that the same day”). In practice, Indian texts suggest that some Brahmins became agriculturalists, warriors, traders and had also held other occupations in the Indian subcontinent.

A Odiya Brahmin photographed in 1909
According to Abraham Eraly, “Brahmin as a varna hardly had any presence in historical records before the Gupta Empire era” (3rd century to 6th century CE), when Buddhism dominated the land. “No Brahmin, no sacrifice, no ritualistic act of any kind ever, even once, is referred to” in any Indian texts between third century BCE and the late first century CE. He also states that “The absence of literary and material evidence, however, does not mean that Brahmanical culture did not exist at that time, but only that it had no elite patronage and was largely confined to rural folk, and therefore went unrecorded in history”.
Their role as priests and repository of sacred knowledge, as well as their importance in the practice of Vedic Shrauta rituals, grew during the Gupta Empire era and thereafter. However, the knowledge about actual history of Brahmins or other varnas of Hinduism in and after the first millennium is fragmentary and preliminary, with little that is from verifiable records or archeological evidence, and much that is constructed from ahistorical Sanskrit works and fiction. Michael Witzel writes,
Toward a history of the Brahmins: Current research in the area is fragmentary. The state of our knowledge of this fundamental subject is preliminary, at best. Most Sanskrit works are a-historic or, at least, not especially interested in presenting a chronological account of India’s history. When we actually encounter history, such as in Rajatarangini or in the Gopalavamsavali of Nepal, the texts do not deal with brahmins in great detail.
— Michael Witzel, Review (1993)
In the Indian culture, marriage is considered to be one of the most important events in one’s life. It is a significant decision that has a lasting impact on an individual’s life. When it comes to finding a suitable life partner, matrimonial services play a vital role, especially for the Brahmin community, which is considered the upper caste in India. Fortunate Wedding Matrimonial Website is one such platform that provides matrimonial services to all Brahmin subcastes at minimal to zero cost.
Fortunate Wedding Matrimonial Website is a unique platform that caters to the matrimonial needs of various Brahmin subcastes. The website has a vast database of eligible Brahmin brides and grooms from different subcastes, including Brahmin Iyer, Brahmin Iyengar, Brahmin Smartha, Brahmin Madhwa, Brahmin Deshastha, and many more. The platform provides matchmaking services to all these subcastes at minimal to zero cost, making it accessible to everyone.
Brahmin Iyers are a subcaste of Brahmins that are predominantly from Tamil Nadu. They follow the Vedas and practice vegetarianism. Brahmin Iyers are known for their expertise in Vedic scriptures and are traditionally priests and scholars. Fortunate Wedding Matrimonial Website has a specific section dedicated to Brahmin Iyer matrimony, where eligible Brahmin Iyer brides and grooms from different parts of India can register and create their profiles. The platform matches profiles based on preferences and expectations provided by the users.
Brahmin Iyengars are another subcaste of Brahmins that are predominantly from Tamil Nadu. They also follow the Vedas and practice vegetarianism. Brahmin Iyengars are known for their expertise in the Vaishnava tradition and are traditionally priests and scholars. Fortunate Wedding Matrimonial Website has a separate section dedicated to Brahmin Iyengar matrimony, where eligible Brahmin Iyengar brides and grooms from different parts of India can register and create their profiles. The platform matches profiles based on preferences and expectations provided by the users.
Brahmin Smarthas are a subcaste of Brahmins that are predominantly from South India. They follow the Advaita Vedanta philosophy and practice vegetarianism. Brahmin Smarthas are known for their expertise in Vedic scriptures and are traditionally priests and scholars. Fortunate Wedding Matrimonial Website has a dedicated section for Brahmin Smartha matrimony, where eligible Brahmin Smartha brides and grooms from different parts of India can register and create their profiles. The platform matches profiles based on preferences and expectations provided by the users.
Brahmin Madhwas are a subcaste of Brahmins that are predominantly from Karnataka. They follow the Dvaita Vedanta philosophy and practice vegetarianism. Brahmin Madhwas are known for their expertise in the Dvaita Vedanta philosophy and are traditionally priests and scholars. Fortunate Wedding Matrimonial Website has a separate section dedicated to Brahmin Madhwa matrimony, where eligible Brahmin Madhwa brides and grooms from different parts of India can register and create their profiles. The platform matches profiles based on preferences and expectations provided by the users.
Brahmin Deshasthas are a subcaste of Brahmins that are predominantly from Maharashtra. They follow the Rigveda and practice vegetarianism. Brahmin Deshasthas are known for their expertise in the Vedic scriptures and are traditionally priests and scholars. Fortunate Wedding Matrimonial Website has a specific section dedicated to Brahmin Deshastha matrimony, where eligible Brahmin Deshastha brides and grooms from different parts of India can register and create their profiles.
Hindu Brahmins are members of the highest social class in Hinduism and comprise priests, scholars, and teachers. They trace their origin to ancient India and are believed to be the descendants of the seven ancient sages or rishis.
Some of the notable historical personalities from the Hindu Brahmin community include Adi Shankaracharya (8th-century philosopher and theologian), Chanakya (ancient Indian political thinker and advisor), and Swami Vivekananda (Indian spiritual leader and social activist).
Weddings are an important part of our lives and finding the right partner to spend the rest of our life with is crucial. In the Hindu Brahmin community, marriages are considered to be the most sacred bond between two families.
The best part of our wedding website is that we do not charge any fee for registration. That means users can register for free and create their profiles. They can also search for suitable matches based on their preferences.
However, it is important to note that Fortunate Wedding does not subscribe to any representations made by advertisers regarding the particulars.
In conclusion, Fortunate Wedding is an excellent online wedding website platform for the Brahmin community to find their perfect match.
The website’s 100% Free Wedding Website and its membership options make it easier for users to navigate through sufficient potential matches and find the dream partner.
We recommend users register through the provided link and, if required, provide a WhatsApp number for a quick response. So, register today and take the first step towards finding your dream bride/groom.
WANTED BRIDE FOR GROOM, MATCH for Brahmin ( Bali ) boy 23.09.88, 6’1″ Central Govt. @4600 grade, earlier worked as PO in govt. bank, residence in Delhi. Email at – fortunatewedding121@gmail.com
WANTED BRIDE FOR GROOM, SM4 MUM BASED Veg GAUR BR BOY FEB 83 / 5′ 11″ , Wrkg IT MNC, NO DOWRY, send BHP at -fortunatewedding121@gmail.com
WANTED BRIDE FOR GROOM, BRAHAMAN 61 / 5′ 4″ / M. Com. vidhur retd. from central govt. service. Widow gentle lady retd / wrkg. in govt job may contact, preference brahman 7417871551
WANTED GROOM FOR BRIDE, GARH Brhmn, beautiful, fair, 05.10.1988, 5’4″, MBA, Del based upper middle family, seeks well educated, settled Garh / Kum boy. Cont 9990595788, 9810664773
wanted bride, SM for handsome punjabi brahmin, a manglik boy 5’10” / 24-1-92 / graduate in mass communication and PG in business finance sal. 12 LPA . parent with delhi govt. call whatsapp 9136165864.
wanted bride , suitable match for 29 / 5’9″ smart punjabi Sr. brahmin B.Tech. working in pvt sector 6 LPA seeks working non manglik girl. contact – 9873965518, 9718147715.
wanted bride, GAUR brahmin boy from haryana bhardwaj gotra vegetarian , 39 / 5’10” MA, LLB, Pgdj generalist delhi NCR seeks suitable beautiful boy contact 9711137587, email at – ashok.hrd1966@gmail.com.
wanted bride, reputed family boy dob 27 / 7/ 1991 graduate job MNC height 5’7″ Maithili brahmin gothra Vatsa mb – 9718998322, 9582019437
wanted bride, kanyakubj / saryuparin brahmin working girl my son is 32 yrs fair , 5’8″ tall works in US top bank wells fairglow at Banglore earns 25+ lacs per yr . he also own apartment pl contact 9335908210.
wanted bride SM4 GB handsome boy N.M. 6’1″ 9 dec88, BTech. working in USA req GBBtech girl contact 9871424513.
wanted bride, SM$ for gaur brahmin boy 31 / 5’10” , BTech MECH working as Marine engineer in reputed company. 15 LPA won house in delhi mb no- 91-9873168446.
wanted bride, seeks PQM working girl for BTech. veg. TT , brahmin punjabi boy 5’11” , 10-5-90 / 10 am delhi working in noida MNC 28 LPA whatsapp – 9810975415
wanted bride, SM 4 36 / 5’7″ gaur brahmin boy from delhi MBA finace currently working as a team lead finance in mnc AT GURGAON. 11 LPA contact – 9818696918
WANTED BRIDE – BRAHMIN – 29 5’9 Btech IIT , Soft. Eng MNC Pune , 15LPA, Father Classl officer, seeks b’ful working girl prf IT. Call 9826432944
WANTED BRIDE – BRAHMIN – PQM4 H’som Beng Br.31 6’1” MBA boy,24Lpa, non veg. TT South Delhi bsd both parents doctors, mother Pbi Arora, Seeks tall fair girl from upper caste family. Send BP: prashantcdoc@gmail.com
WANTED BRIDE- BRAHMIN – SM4 Brahmin boy 30yrs / 5’8” National low University passout, Practising Lowyer in Delhi. Cast no bar. 9927004005 Eml: skmrt20@gmail.com
WANTED BRIDE – BRAHMIN – SUITABLE Girl, Veg for Brahmin Boys (1) B.com, MBA (33)Bank employee, B’lore (2) MS (30), employed in California US. Ct : 9003070946, 8148281195
WANTED BRIDE – PQM4 Brahmin Army officer,31,180 cm. Preferred Defense/ National Bank/ Medical/Government Officer . 98710278833, 76782326543
WANTED BRIDE – BRAHMIN Fair Boy, B.Tech, Working in MNC. 5;11”/7.11.1983, own house in Delhi No dowry , caste no bar, preffd. Working girl. Mob#888263182
WANTED BRIDE – BRAHMIN boy, Feb 1990,5’8” MBA. Reputed family, teeto taller, non- smoker,own business, income six figure. Settled near Chandigarh. #90566-04813
WANTED BRIDE – WANTED BRIDE – SM4 Gaur 31 5’10” Btech, MNC IT Gurgaon 16LPA, seeks Wkg girl-NCR – 981118525, 9967489075
WANTED BRIDE – WKG/non wkg M4 NM h’some boy Advocate own practice earning 6 Figure CS (ex) MBA, LLM 5’10”, 6:22AM, Del. 8766334658, whatsapp 8130072844
WANTED BRIDE – SM for Brah.32/5’6”, MCom, bhardwaj gotra wrkg MNC Delhi PKG 4.5 LPA own house in Bareily seeks prof. qlfd girl. Wrkg girlpref.7017957114
WANTED BRIDE – SM for Brboy settled in NCR 30/5’9” B.Tech LLB, Gztd ofcr seeks b’ edu girl from rep family pref LLB, Govt Teacher, Bank service All Br acptd. NO corporate. Mob: 8303529985.
WANTED bride for Brahmin BE MBA 29/6’, job in FedEx USA. Likely to settle in India soon. Mob. 9983561301, 9414009688
wanted bride – PB Brahmin Vats Boy 29.10.1988/ 08.20PM, Najibabad, 5’8”, software Engg ,MNC Bangalore, 30LPA,992720991
wanted bride – BRAHMIN h’some manglik boy, GGN,28,5’5” Veg, Convent edu. B.tech (CS), wrkg in MNC, Seeks PQ, Beautiful, smart girl with strong family values. M:9810060749
wanted bride – brahmin- SM4 H’some boy 28/5’10” B.tech MBA IIM working in MNC 45Lpa Father Business elite family Caste No Bar 8878958142, 9179134562
wanted bride- KKB 5’5” 33 MBBS, MD H’some Boy seeks well educated Brahmin Girl prefd Gwalior family # 8284990959
wanted bride, SM for Brahmin Boy, MBA- Boston 5’10”/1987 divorcee working Mum pkg 20L seeks educated girl from Brahmin / Upper caste. Contact 9870440708/ ankit_bozone@yahoo.co .in
wanted groom, brahmin, KKB 86/5’4 Ph.d NET JRF lecturer Directorate of education delhi highly qualified Officer Central/ State govt/professor NativeUP 8171555236, 9719829583
wanted groom, QUALIFED well plcd match mnglk Brahmin girl 5-1/11-05-92,1.58pm Delhi B.tech wrkg Banglore PKG BAnglore PKG 13LPA – 7973446001
wanted groom, brahmin, B’ful B.Arch + MS (Italy) 29 / 5’4” girl working as sr Designer in Delhi. Mob: 9810014670/ 9958001048
wanted groom, REQ PQ/WSM for fair slim / girl IIT- B.tech/YIF/PMRDF/tiss wrkg Azim premji foundation Sr. pragmm fml 9131770633 gnshprsd2706@gmail.com
wanted groom, SM4 sedariya Gotra Br Girl 30/’ Fair Slim B.sc LLb IPR hons, pursuing LLM Final Year w’king in delhi with govt of india pref Govt Officer (only Brahmin) # 9650307878
wanted groom, GR BR nvr mrd b’ful Girl 46+ PG Self Wrkng seeks nvr mard w’stld BR Boy from service Cls# 9711826761, 01244140272 Email. Srcgaur9@gmail.com
wanted groom, SM4 Brahmin, B’fair B’ful M.com ICWA (inter), Working top MNV Noida, 7/7/90,11:40 PM, Agra 5’4” Madhya Nadi upmanyu Gotra # 9871889101
wanted groom, BRAHMIN Girl 37/5’10” wrkg in MNC , Blore. Groom from a family with a perfect blend of traditional and Modern values are welcome. M 9437082580
wanted groom, PQM for wheatish girl 1988/ 168cm, it professionl woking in MNC , Btech and PGPM. Looking for suitable groom in early 30’s Call: 9023299642 email – : proshaadi1@gmail.com
wanted groom, SM4 b’ful Brahmin girl 5’2” 86, Masters in Graphic wkg Design Consultant. Good income 99151-06412
wanted groom, PQM4 Fair b’ful slim gaur Br B.tech-IIT Girl 36+/5’4” never married wkg as manager in Us MNC Delhi- NCR # 8851943843 BHP to: sharmajc7@gmail.com
wanted groom, SM4 fair beautiful slim 24/5’3” B.tech MBA working in MNC elite family Only one Daughter caste No bar 7898910538, 8889314948
wanted groom, HIGHLY educ. Prof. well stld India / Abroad M4 Br. April 90 / 5’3” M.tech girl purs Phd. Swedish University. 20 Lpa 9602744455 / 7526084448
wanted groom, California based Working professional Divorcee Brahmin girl non manglik Feb 1986 5’7” US settled only. Caste No bar Cont: 7869122278
wanted groom, brahmin, Faridabad based affluent Business Family seeks a good match for their cultured, smart, pretty girl born Oct 1991, 5’7” MBA Non working Ankanshik Manglik. Looking for well suited similar business family Boy. Caste No bar Email id: vedants1995@gmail.com 9310000234
wanted groom, SM4 PG divorced girl 39yr ( no child ) wkg Global MNC b’nglore in Sr position pref vaish / Br / khatri. 9897235161 Email-: anita.162201@gmail.com
Visitors and Readers are advised to make appropriate / thorough enquiries before acting upon any advertisement. This website does not vouch or subscribe to claim and representations made by advertisers regarding particulars of status, age income of bride and groom.
Brahmin matrimony
Online life partner search
For Professional Qualified Match for Brahimn matrimony groom Army officer , 31, 180 cm. preferred Defence / National Bank / Medical /Government Officer. Contact -: 9871027833, 7678326543
Free marriage contacts
Brahmin matrimony
1. SPB 30 / 6’ MS working US, NV, Seeking beautiful Tall 5’5” plus US working Girl, upper caste acceptable 9179084841
2. Simple Match for Handsome Boy 30 / 5’10” B.Tech MBA IIM Senior Manager in MNC 45 LPA Father Officer elite family Caste No Bar 8878958142, 9752693160
3. LOOKING for Well educated beautiful bride for 29, 5’3” Brahmin boy, MBA, Business in Delhi. 9917544445
All brahmin matrimony
1. BRAHMIN boy , Feb 1990,5’8” MBA. Reputed family, teetotaller ,non-smoker , own business, income six figure . settled near Chandigarh. Contact at :- 9056604813
2. SPB 30 / 6’ MS working US, NV, seeking beautiful, tall 5’5 plus US working Girl upper caste acceptable. Contact at :- 9179084841
3. Professional Qualified Match for handsome Saraswat Brahmin, MBA, Own Business having date of birth -: 3.10.86 / 5’8.5”/ 9:28 pm / Jhansi, well Settled South Delhi based family. Contact at :- 9810185663, 46577555
4. NRI Son, USA/5.9”/ Engineer seeks bride : 25-30 yrs /reputed B.TECH or MBA or MS/ Brahmin family. Mobile number-: 9999047799
5. Simple Match for 29 years / 5’10” B.Tech (NIT), MBA IIM Senior Manager in MNC,55 LaKh + Father Defence Officer Elite Family Caste no bar, No Dowry. Contact at -: 8109140321 Email at :- gu91sh@gmail.com
6. Professional Qualified Match for handsome boy January 1989 / 5’9” in State Government ( Rajasthan ) seeks Qualified Beautiful Brahmin girl Pareek preferred Email at :-rahulsp28@gmail.com Contact at :-08696190954
7. WANTED bride for Brahmin BE MBA 29/6’, job in FedEX USA. Likely to settle in India soon. Mobile number -: 9983561301, 9414009688
Manglik Brahmin Bride
For MANGLIK Brahmin groom, 27 / 5’10” KKB Fair Working in MNC Noida 12 LPA (fixed) owns Flat in Ghaziabad seeks Brahmin working girl. Contact at :- 9653076145, 7704933204
Suitable Match for Brahmin boy 30 yrs / 5’8” National Law University passout, practicing Lawyer in Delhi. Cast no bar. 9927004005 Email -: skbmrt20@gmail.com
SM4 Handsome Brahmin Boy 5’9”, 27 Aug 1986, 5.04 PM Una Himachal, MBA, MS (USA) working MNC Noida handsome package Contact-: 7807253064
Handsome Brahmin boy MBA 27 yrs, 5’9” belonging to an affluent Indore based business family with good net worth, seeks a good looking, Well educated, compatible girl from a cultured family +91-9285053429
Brahmin Matrimony free search of Grooms for Brides
1. KKB 34/5’3” fair Msc/ NET/phd Persuing POSDOC in USA seeks well settled match contact -: 9451425376, 9415077692
2. SUITABLE Match for 43 / 5’3” well Educated Unmarried Girl MBA working at Sr. post 15 LPA Early Marriage # 9833063862
3. B’FUL, B’Arch+MS(Italy) 29/5’4” Girl working as Sr Designer in Delhi. Mob -: 9810014670 / 9958001048
4. B.SC (H), B.Ed(DU) 1991 Born Saraswat BR . Divorcee girl, Seeks 29-32Yrs. Boy pref Unmrd. W.Edu, Decent fmly (Del / NCR) # 9971815480, 9811584228
5. GR BR nvr mrd b’ful Girl 46+ PG Self Wrkng seeks nvr mrd w’stld BR Boy from service Cls. # 9711826761, 01244140272 Email: srcgaur9@gmail.com
6. SM for Feb 90, 5’4” fair, B.Tech MBA, wkg in MNC, 23LPA seeks well educated, IAS / IPS / IRS, high, status family s’tld in Gurgaon, 9968987354 / 9891138102
7. PQM 4 Pb Swrt Br girl 1984 / fair / 5’1” Msc B.Ed wrkg as regular Govt. TGT teacher, 9+LPA, M: 9818119053, BHP: sarvin.bhanot@gmail.com
8. SM4 Sedariya Gotra Br Girl 30/5’1” Fair, slim, Bsc., LLB IPR Hons. Pursuing LLM Final Year W’king in Delhi with Govt. Of India. Pref. Govt. officer (Only Brahmin) # 9650307878.
9. SM4 Fair beautiful 27/5’ Brahmin MBA Fin Manager in Bank (with inability to conceive) seeks suitable well educated boy caste no Bar. Whatsapp-: 9891026956
10. PQM for wheatish girl, 1988/ 168cm. IT Professional working in MNC, Btech & PGPM, looking for suitable groom in early 30’s Call-: 9023299642, proshaadi1@gmail.com
11. PQM 4 Daughter 37 yrs senior Engg.- Bgir , MNC 25 LPA, can relocate abroad if required : 91-9327325444 Email at :- tkn1944@gmail.com
Wanted Grooms
BEAUTIFUL slim B-Tech 25/5”4 Idustrialist from Noida. Seeks educated businessman from delhi Contact: 9811235614
Free Brahmin Brides List, Wanted Grooms
1. SM4 SPB March 8, 5-3 Antya, Non manglik Btech, SW Engg MNC Blore, 30 LPA. Preferred IT/MNC/CA boy. Call 9582279266
2. California based Working professional Divorcee Brahmin girl non Manglik Feb 186 5’7” US settled only. Caste No Bar contact: 7869122278
3. SM4 fair, b’ful 38/5’3” Brahmin conv edu girl prof Qlfd Wkg MNC. I’Less Div . Upper caste acc. M; 8299763545, E: omsai192021@gmail.com
4. QLFD Match for Jan, 82, 5’2” corporate Lawyer Respected Family Contact 9871335082, 9810849550 Email: karteekkatyaggi@gmail.com
5. SM4 Brahmin, V’fair B’ful, M.com, CMA (Final), Working top MNC Noida, 7/7/90, 11:40 PM, Agra, 5’4”, Madhya Nadi, Upmanyu Gotra. # 9711261788
6. WANTED Brahmin professional grooms from good families preferably from Bihar for our cultured pretty, Fair homely vegetarian daughter 29 year, height, 161cm, B.Tech M.B.A working in a MNC with 9 lakh package Family Reputed family Retd Colonel from Bihar/ Jharkhand settled in Delhi/NCR. Mob: 9999680692
7. SM4 Brahmin fair beautiful slim 27/5’3 B.Tech working in MNCelite Family caste no Bar. 789810538, 8889314948
8. REQ PQ/ WSM for fair slim/girl IIT Btech/YIF/PMRDF/TISS, wrkg Azim Premji Foundation, Sr. Prgmm mgr, 32/157, reputed Brahmin family Mobile no. -: 9131770633 Email at -: gnshprsd2706@gmail.com
Sharma Vashishth Gotra Bride for Marriage, Name -: Khushbu Sharma, Father Name -: Rakesh Sharma, Mother -: Devendri, Date of Birth -: 17th Oct 1991 ( 10 .25 am ), Place of Birth -: Delhi, Height -: 5′ , Gotra -: Vashishth, Address -: Nangloi, Delhi-110041, Qualification -: B.Com. from Delhi University( SOL ) Ca Inter Pass, Currently working with Laxmi Trading Corporation as Senior Accountant. Father’s Occupation -: Assistant Marketing Manager, Brother & Sister -: Dimple ( B.Com from D.U. working as an accountant ), Divya ( JBT from Delhi ), Ishu ( Persuing Diploma in civil ), Contact No. -: 9716721207.
1. SM4 b’ful gaur brahmin girl resi in delhi, 5’ft , 21.10.92 , 8.30 am SNP, M.Sc B.ED (CTET Q’DIELD) reqd well stld edu frm dli, hry ,cdg, W/A: 9717633329
2. BEAUTIFUL slim B-TECH 25/5″4 industrialist from noida. seeks educated businessman fron delhi . contact : 9811235614.
3. CA / DR/ENGR/CIVIL SERVANT/BANK OFFICER MATCH for bank officer bengali br. giri 29/160cms conv. edu.cast no bar. rtidab@gmail.com, 9810108363
4. MATCH for fair b’ful sanadya brahmin girl feb 93/5’3″/ 12lpa from agra, region, B.Tech working MNC gurugram seeking brahmin boy pref NCR father prof. mb: 8193817626
5. REQUIRED educated & well settled services / business boy for gaur brahmin (NSHIK MANGLIK) GIRL ,21.5.1995,5’6″, b.COM ,MBA , working as HR executive in hissar, family in business in hissar. decent & early marriage, 9817892056, radmarriage@gmail.com
6. SM4 DEL based gaur br. hirl 25/5’5″ graduate working delhi govt on contract, contact whatsapp , pramod 9810737076,8800505974
1. PQM4 gaur br girl, fair 29/5’2″/ anshik mhlk doctor, MD(HOM), wkg 6 lpa, delhi govt. C: 999253305,9899623735
2. NCR based gaur br.girl,fair,09/02/87 5’4″,PSUAO (Issuless divorced), father owns school. 9813522432 singautam1179@gmail.com
3. M/F girl 1982/5’6″ B.Tech, MBA, 21 LPA & Girl 1986/5′-5″ MCA , 14 LPA Both working at bNGLORE JAIPUR BASED M: 9782798989
4. M. TECH Girl a.mglk 35/5’2″ PGT/ 5.5LPA, Seeks qlfd. well stld. veg. teetotaller brah. boy pref delhi/ NCR. # 9968278748, 9354795454
5. KKB 34/5’3″ fair MSc/NET/-phd persuing POSDOC in USA seeks well setted match. contact: 945125376,9415077692
6. SM4 brahmin beautiful fair girl, M,SC, B.ED, 20.12.86/5’4″ wkg in KV on permanent job cent. state & NCR Govt, empld prfd. 9760731635, 8505967426
1. REQ PQ/WSM for for fair sim/- girl-IIT Btech/YIF/PMRDF/-TESS, wrkg azim premji foundation, sr prgmm mgr, 32/157, rputd brhmn fmly 9131770633, gnshprsd2706@gmai.com
2. SM4 SPB March 89,5-3 anthya, nonmanglik, btech, SW Engg MNC blore, 30lpa, prefred IT/MNC/CA boy, call 9582279266
3. SM4 Fair beautiful 27/5′ brahmin MBA fin MANAGER IN BANK (WITH INABILITY TO CONCIEVE) SEEKS suitable well educated boy. caste no bar. whatsapp- 9891026956
4. SUITABLE Match for 53/5’3″well educated unmarried girl MBA working at sr, post 15lpa early Marriage # 9833063862
5. KKB, Fair, beautiful, 29yrs/5’2″, working in one of the big 4 company in mumbai veg, upper caste no bar, call/ whatsapp 8392928210
6. PQM for wheatish girl,1988/168 cm, IT professional working in MNC , BTech & PGPM, looking for suitable groom in early 30’s, call: 9023299642, proshaadi1@gmail.com
7. PQ SM4 B’ful fair BR girl 29/5′ PX BHARDWAJ bds Dr. hospt, mngmt,. MDS , Wkg . sr. lect prfd Dr. engg HCS, IAS 9818033774, 9891799453
8. B’FUL, B,Arch + MS (ITALY) 29/5’4″ GIRL WORKING AS SR DSINER IN DELHI . MOB: 981001470/9958001048
9. SM4 fair , b’ful 38/5’3″ brahmin conv edu girl prof qlfd wkg MNC. i’less div. upper caste acc. m: 8299763545. e: omsail92021@gmail.com
10. PQM for jaipur based doctor girl., 1993/ 163 cm, MD PEDIATRIC, seeks MD/ MS/ DM /MCH gaur brahmin match. e:mail sharmapradeepkumar004@g,mail.com, mob-8619088345.
11. GR BR nvr mrd’ b’ful girl 46+ PG self wrkng seeks nvr mrd w’stld BR Boy from service cls. # 9711826761, 01244140272 e,mail: srcgaor9@gmail.com
12. PQM4 UM Gaur brhmin b’ful, V.fair girl 36/5’5″. phd, asst, prof, rptd university prfd delhi NCR, JSID -ZATS2115, 8860541689, rksharma196074@gmail.com
13. SM4 brahmin, v’fair, b’ful, M.com, CMA ( FINAL), workingtop MNC noida , 7/7/90, 11:40pm, agra , 5’4″, madhya nadi, upmanya gotra. # 9711261788
14. QLFD Match for jan ,82,5’2″, corporate lawyer respected family contact 9871335082, 9810849550, email: karteekkatyaggi@gmail.com
15. SM4 KKB 93 BORN /5’4″ GIRL mba (symbosis) wkg in MNC seeks defence/ MNC/B’nessman/ class-1 officers & other services pref.m:7897346469.
16. SM4 delhi bsd medico/ non- medico b’ful brah. girl 5’3″ 22.12.87 MD in anesthsia wkg safdurjung hosp. # 9818601825, e.mail: dinesh.100762@gmail.com
17. PQSM, 1986 born, 5 ft, M,tech girl, 25LPA, Anthya nadi ,, 5:50am , saharanpur, working with MN bank , # 9718659440
18. M.SC Brahmin girl, dec 88/5’2″ working as sr. tax assistant in income tax in delhi govt job contact 9811232570, 9643824990
CANADIAN Citizen, India Born, Never Married prof. Qualified. 40/5’7″ Br boy seeks education girl in canada/ India. Bhp: swastik1099@gmail.com WA +9197181-81223
30/5’11”, B.Tech, MBA IIM Ranchi, sr. Manager in MNC, 35 LPA , Parents Govt Officer , Affluent family Caste No Bar Contact : 8878958142, 7898910538
MBBS PG Govt Dr. 1985/5’8″ , Widower having 4 years Son seeks Medico/ Lecturer Girl- Divorcee/ Widow / Issueless . 6350573538
SM for brahmin 32/5’7″ MS (USA) S/W Engineer working at California , USA. Send BHP at : +91-9235501141 Email: surpd1954@gmail.com
SM4 Boy 21.01.1987, 5:35AM POB Kanpur 5’9″ working in MNC 25 LPA. Family in Luhiana E: mishra. rohit 2101@gmail.com Contact : 9780228481
SM4 H’some, B. Tech (ECE) Manager in MNC 5’9″ /29 years , Gaur Brahmin Boy Delhi based. 8373956477. Send BHP to : tcsharmadp@gmail.com
32/5’8″ Vats Gotra Maithil Brahmin Btech , Uper Middle Class, Working in Indian Railway as Senior Sect
Engg seeks suitable Girl. M: 9654399589
.PQM4 BE/BITS Pilani/ Wkg MNC Ggn / March 91/ 5’6″ / Fair / NM/ Veg / 9LPA/ Gaur Brahmin Boy. Send BHP. 9779026324.
PQM4 Kanyakubja Brahmin 29/5’8″ B.Tech, MBA (IIM Trichi). job in reputed Company – 8017241401, skawasthi53@gmail.com
PQM alliance for son , 34 years 5’8″ Chaturvedi, Gaur Brahmin BTech , MBA Rs 8LPA,Working in IT sector , Mumbai , Contact 9410038529/ 9687537059
GB 32/6″ , slim , veg, Phd Pursuing Computer, Malaysia looking Cultured , PhD computer (Abroad) , doctor , MBBS, 9672166746
GR Br Boy 33/5’8″ BTech , 15LPA Owns Business. Owns Rented property , well educated & settled family seeking educated working girl . Whatsapp +919810052638
BHARADWAJ pb. Br. boy fair , slim, teatolter, non manglik B.com own sucessful business 12+lpa/ 8.11.89, 5’9, 2:15 am Delhi 9899958183, 9773758896
SM4 Gr Br BTech SAP Manager MNC Delhi NCR based Handsome fair 37/5’9″ Engr Dr Family 35L Widowed M: 9936154082 E: vnsh2111@gmail.com
32/5,11 hansome brahmin doctor boy pursuing D.M. seeks suitable match, preferably P.G medico, All Brahmins accepted . 8966063683, 9131069378, 9669664560
KANYAKUBJ BA, LLB, Hons (CLAT) , 28/5’8″ practicing at supreme Court, earning 1.50 lac PM. LAwyer preferred Mob: 9927004000
PQM H’some Sr. Br. Boy MBA, own busniness well settled 3-10-86/ 9:28pm/ jhansi/ 5’9″ South delhi based family. Sharma 9810185663, 011-46577555
G.B. Aug’82, slim , 6ft/182cm, working in USA as directors 200K USD package , NCR based family,. Call : 9990425085 , Eml: matriharsh2021@gmail.com
BRIDE for 33/5’7″ working with US Based company in Bangalore & 29/5’11” PSB Officer in Lucknow Sarayupareen Brahmin boys # 7307004933. Eml: sharadavan@gmail.com
KKB Brhamin , 83/ 5’7″ , MBA (Bangkok) own Mktg. consultancy, LKO Bsd, Defence bkgrd Seeks Working Girl. Caste no bar # 9532279430
PQM4 30/5’10. B.TECH (NIT). MBA(IIM), Sr. Manager in MNC 1 CR Above Father India’s 1st Afluent family caste no bar, no dowry , 8109140321 E: sfhfrm@gmail.com
SM4 Saryuparian Brahmin boy 30/5’11″/ BBA LLB Advocate in Delhi courts , Father Business man seeks educated working Brahmin girl #9811450951
MBA 37/5’11” working in Noida Director at IT company 24 LPA . seeks Minimum 5’5″ homely girl. No Dowry . Mob 9838134289
PQM for very beautiful architect brahmin NCR based girl 28/5’3″ from status family caste no bar contatct 7838110027 rajivpathak0027@gmail.com
BEAUTIFUL Tall 5’9″/1985, Brahmin girl, corporate counselor and coach highly qualified (LLM from london) currently working from home seek well qualified match, caste no bar email matrifind123@gmail.com #9811669997, 8889361888
SM4 Fair beautiful 27/5″ Brahmin in MBA (FIN) banking Professional Manager ( with inability to conceive) seeks suitable well educated boy. Caste No bar. Whatsapp : 9891026956
PQM 4 issueless Divorceee girl 23.2.87/4: 55am /5.2″/ delhi NCR/Govt job: M:9650011200 9899610046 sukanya230287@gmail.com
BRAHMIN bengali girl 35,5’4″ Gold medalist phd working in government . Coll kol only child looking for well educated match, 9831106770
SM4 Gaur Brahmin M.tech 29/5’2″ Fair Girl Seeks High middle class Businessman or Gazetted officer in government Sector Delhi +NCR # 9999460034
SUITABLE Well placed Professional Macth for Smart Beautiful Brahmin Doctor Girl 27 years /5’7″ tall palanning to run own Cosmetology Clinic. Only Child. Both Parents Doctors . running own clinics Em: bablasharma1967@gmail.com Contact : 9871698717
BUSINESS / PQM from statsu family for fair slim Gaur Brahmin MBA Girl 1996,165 cm. Father Industrialist. mobile : 9760004027.
KKB Mrag, Bharadwaj, June 92/5’7″, M.B.A & B.H.M., covent educated healthy Working in MNC, seeks educated family. M: 9368184411
SUITABLE PQM4 punjabi Saraswat Brahmin beautiful girl 30/5’7″ /B.Com (H) , EMBA, CA (pursuing Final) . working in Gurgoan based 1st gen 25 years multi crore family busniness Ltd Medtech Co. Caste no Bar. Whatsapp 9717887228/ rrsrmd2002@gmail.com
M4 Brahmin girl,non manglik 28/5’5″ Assistant Engineer (U.P) Call: 9315966759, 9873444831
28/5’7″ Brahmin Girl, IIt delhi working with MNS WantIIT/IIM graduate, IAS/- IPS/ IFS medico preferred M: 9425675264, 9826712295