Hindu – Agrawal – Matrimonial Ads
Hindu Agrawal community
For the Hindu Agrawal community, the website has a special area that makes it simpler for users to search for and publish matrimonial advertising. Users will find it simple to navigate and discover the information they need on the website because of its user-friendly design. Users can use search criteria such as age, height, education, occupation, and more to find suitable companions who meet their preferences.
One of India’s most well-known commercial communities is the Hindu Agrawal community, sometimes referred to as the Bania Vaishya society. They are renowned for their determination and business savvy. The locals have a strong sense of traditionalism and a rich cultural heritage. Locating a compatible match can be difficult, but Fortunate Wedding Matrimonial Advertising makes the search simpler.
Fortunate Wedding is a well-known matrimonial site that provides free listings of brides and grooms from several cultures, including the Hindu Agrawal community. The website is made to specifically meet the requirements of people looking for a partner in their neighborhood. The hassle-free experience provided by the platform makes it simpler to find a compatible match.
With Fortunate Wedding, you may use a thorough platform to look for possible partners who match your preferences. Based on their caste, employment, region, and other criteria, you may quickly search for brides or grooms from the Hindu Agrawal community. Also, the platform enables you to submit a matrimonial advertisement with your picture and contact information, making it simpler for potential suitors to get in touch with you.
Also, our platform is totally free, so there is no need for pricey marriage agents or brokers. We make it simpler than ever for Agrawal to find partners with our large database of verified profiles, user-friendly layout, and dedication to giving a hassle-free experience.
At Fortunate Wedding, we are aware of the distinctive requirements and tastes of the Agrawal community.
The search for the ideal life partner can be difficult for Agrawals who want to get married. This is where Fortunate Wedding enters the fray as a revolutionary in the matrimonial ad field.
For Agrawal brides and grooms, our website offers a quick, simple, and hassle-free approach to finding compatible matches.
Hindu Agrawal can meet their ideal life partner by simply selecting their preferred caste and region on our dedicated website for Hindu Agrawal matrimonial advertising. Finding and interacting with possible mates only takes a few clicks thanks to our intuitive layout. In conclusion, fortunate Wedding is a trustworthy resource for connecting members of the Hindu Agrawal community. With a wide variety of search options and a secure interface, the platform provides the best experience.
BFUL edu M4 38/5’8″ H’some, Agg veg boy, CA wkg with Big4, hly edu wealthy fly of S.Del. short marriage no issue # 9910373649 agg_pm@yah00.com
HIGH status Delhi Based Aggarwal Business family, Own House & Office, seeks educated girl(27 to 31 yrs) for their highly educated son, 5’11” 29 yrs,doing his own Busi- ness,income in good 7 fig.Casteno bar. 9818156944, 9990713057
SM4 BANSAL Boy Slim 30/58/30LPA B Tech IIT, MBA IIM indore, CFA wrkg as Associate@MNC UpperMiddle Class Rptd Fmly Cont.8795810567
29/5’10 B. TECH- IIT MS wkg with google 1Cr+ Father Indu strialist Caste No Bar, No do-
wry Rich family#9685785503 Em: matbsp1@gmail.com
HIGHLY qlfd IAS, IRS, IEs, IIT, IIM, MD MS, CA 15-50 Lpa, 26-40 yrs/5-4″-6′ groom for high
status family prof. qlfd girls Call/ Whats app -09415580893
1992/5’10” B.Tech IIT, MBA IIM, Sr. Mng MNC, 9OLk Abv father ind’lst aflunt fmly, Cas
te no bar, no dowry 9172648727 E:sh765wl@gmail.com
SINGHAL H’some boy NM April 92/5’9″,B.Tech,MBA wrkgGurgaon 25 LPA, own kothi, Factory in Noida. 9811086481,rakeshsingla416@gmail.com
SM4 Ghaziabad based Manglik 30/162cm/ B.Tech Working in TCS/ 2OLPA,Family Business, Seeks Qlfd.
B’ful. Girl. Cont: 9810494888
SM4 Graduate North Delhi Jindal Boy Nov 91/59 Wkg Pvt. Delhi 7 LPA. Father Retd, Pref.
edu. veg Girl #9953723457 E: nipung06@gmail.com
SINGLA boy CA smart 5 feb1996/ Delhi 12,45pm 5’10 working in CA firm Gurgaon 14
LPA Reputed family Pref. Working Girl #7827249294 mohitsingla1996@gmail.com
PQM with Family Values for Smart IT/IIM Goel boy 32/58″ NM Veg TT, 1 Cr Plus, Edu
Delhi Family. Send BHP Whatsapp 8130394924.
SM4 IRS ITB. Tech.Agarwal Veg 27/510″ boy. Looking for prof.
gual. b’ful girl. brijeshcgoel@gmail.com 9969226251
VARSHNEY fair handsome unmarried boy 42/57″/PhD, Mechanical, HoD, Engineer-
ing College, Bhopal, income 15LPA 9826545114, 9926802080
G.LOOKING Oct 88/6′ B.Tech, MBA Agarwal boy, Working Gurgaon 23 Lpa 9896109988, 9896109174 #
HINDU Agar wal Boy BE/MBA/CFA/FRM/CMA from Mumbai 29/5’8″, 40 L PA.
Working in big firm, decent well educated family, seeks decent educated girl, Contact
SM4 Garg Boy B.Tech MBA Working as Sr. Engg. MNC 27 LPA. 5’8″ Dec.88. Own resid
ence Gurgaon & Belongs to Jind HR #9355123719
HSOME Jain/Goel 5’7/68kg. BE(E&C) Sr. Engg Mgr/+75 Lpa US MNC, Live/work in Noida,
21.5.74/4pm/Pnp W: 9958606647, Email:jain1974s@gmail.com
MBBS MS (ortho) fellow ship spine Manglik boy 1991/ 6 1″ settled in Dehradun
belongs to vreputed Fmly of Ddun. seeks b’ful tall Medico /MS/ MD Agarwal girl
32/5’10” Agarwal Upper Class Business Boy B.Tech, MBA. Seeks Homely, Bful,
Educated Non Working Girl. #9415704016, 9807072182
PQM4 Gupta vaish Sep 89/ 5’6″ MBAh’some, Media Entrepreneur onetcr, stld Mumbai
meerut’s fmly W: 9219660359 r.gupta93@yahoo.com
GUPTA, Manglik boy, 32 Yr, 5’5″, B.tech, WORKING in Australia, Haridwar resi
dent, CONTACT 9412073060, 8630025403
1991/5’11” MBA Sr Mgr (Kotak Mahin- dra Bank) 20 LPA seeks b’ful homely wkg bride WApp/M:
9415147363 with BHP
BANSAL B.Tech, Dec. 1990 177 cm, slim, h’some boy, mfg business in Agra, Highly Edu
fmly. F’thr CA, 8439412391 agarwalkd.59@gmail.com
AGRAWAL h’some Officer Govt. Bank 34/5’5″ Teetotler Well Educated Family Settled
NCR Delhi seek Simple Homely Girl # 9868049483
SM4 Garg H’some boy 21Aug 91/5’9″/ M.Tech/ working in laryana Govt. well settled
family in Kurukshetra. Contact: 9896480499
MBA IIM Agarwal boy Manglik/ only son 28/165/65 Working MNC BLR INR 21LPA Father retd CFO own house U NOR. Seeks Fror aZreartero girl contact 9711999692
WANTED GIRL Nedico or Professional/ Qualified Match for Teetotaler Handsome
boy, 78 born, 167cm, from Agrawal Jain Family from South Delhi, MBBS Delhi, MD Medicine,
USA. Working as doctor in USA, Belongs to Doctors Family, Never married. At present in Delhi.
drjain1940@gmail.comHome 011-43539208 Phone+91-9650510142 +91-9667738113 +91-8826762707
SM4 SP Brahmin, fair, b’ ful,28/5″, veg girl, working Soft Engg. Amazon Canada.Contact: 8527101549, 8527018465 Em: amitp11091968@gmail.com
SM4 Brahmin beautiful fair Engineer girl 31/5’4″ working in MNC Gurugram LPA 12 father Senior Officer rail- ways, Retd. Mob: 9877648348.
BRAHMIN Match preferably Rajasthan based Admin. Servi- ces /Doctor for 26/ 5’6″ Slim,
B’ful Convent Educated B.Tech. Girl P.O.in PNB 9413395749
GREEN Card holder Doctor Girl Fair B’ful 46/5’6″ work- ing in New York Issuless di-
vorcee Cast no bar,only U.S Boy preferred. M: 7091920691.
SUITABLE Match in Jaipur for Gujar Gaur Brahmin Girl, DOB 24/07/
1992, Slim, 5’4″, Working in Public Sector Call:9990360095
B’FUL tall girl 5’6″ (34y) Vats gotr BE+MBA, working in Global frm; family of Govt
officers, seeks well settld, handsome groom 9826057442
SM4 Garhwali Brahmin B’ful 27/5’2″ girl, Pursuing PhD, Seeks well educated boy, Delhi
based reputed family. # 9971134856
GR Br DLH based b’ful girl (32, 5’7″) MSW frm DU, NET qlfd working in Delhi seeks Veg
well settled PQM in Delhi NCR Send BHP 8586016870
SM for Brahmin girl, DOB- 14.07.86, 2.45 PM, Ghaziabad. MBA & working. Caste no bar.
Mob. & WhatsApp 9818434007.EM: pkvashishtha@gmail.com
MATCH invited for Brahmin divorcee girl 32 /M.Tech/52 working MNC Mumbai @14
Lac p.a. Whatsapp 9877427851
GAUR Br. B’ful 31/54″, BA,hansraj colleg, LLb(CLC, DUU, school welhm, d’dun, seeks
well setld Lyer in Delhi,NCR, mo 9068006051
32/5’3 slim bful BTech Sr manager gOvt bank divorc(short marrg) native
WANTED Suitable Groom for Brahmin girl 29/5’2″ B.Tech, fair, wrkg in MNC
wrkg location Metro citiesprefd. 6388280316, 6388533589
KKB girl, 97/5’5″, Vfair, beautiful, BTech, MBA(Fin) NMIMS Mumbai, managing
Own equity portfolio, affluent business family, M-9824155611
COMPATIBLEM4 Sar-aswat Brahmin fair, H’some, Non-Manglik Girl, 27/5’3″. B.Tech, MBA (Fin.), Wkg. in
Big Four Consulting Co. in NCR, Package 20 Lac. Upper caste welcome.Only NCR Boy, Min. height should be 5’9 Marriage Bureau ex cuse. WhatsApp: 9814256625/Email:rabra1968@gmail.com
POM 4 Dig. Jain Girl, Dec 90, 5’3″, NM, V.fair, BCom (H), MBA, Wrkg MNC, Ggn, 22LPA,
S.Delhi based upper middle class family, Ph: 9999133454
SM for Bansal, wheatish towards fair, 02.12.88, 5’2″ Divorcee I’Less Girl, MPhil
Clincl Psychlogst, Delhi Emplyd, Reputd NGO,Whatsapp:9810106797
PQM4 Garg MBA BTech girNoida 22.01.95/ 5’1″, wkg in fintech co Mumbai 201pa, father
Sr. IRS officer, 9953782450(WA) arneral08@gmail.com
SIM 4Bful Fair Girl Feb 90/54 Never Married B.A.(Hons) DU, Masters Warwick Uni Britain
Working MNC Gurgaon Father Businessman Seek Qlfd Status Working /Business Boy Cast No Bar. 9837040031. Email: Surendrabansal63@gmail.com
PQM For B.Tech CSE Girl Slim, Fair 158 cm. Wkg IT MNCin Gurgaon. Born on March 7,
1993 at 7.35 AM, Faridabad. Well settled Delhi based familyContact 9811527684, 9968238495
PQM preferably wrkg inBangalore for Aggarwal Girl2 /Cct 93, S/w Engr wrkg in
MNC Blore, Family based ouat Chandigarh. Mob 9417485491
SM4 May 89/52″ Agarwal smart homely girl M TechPhD working New Delhi.
Highly educated Family. Caste no bar. 9890763476
PQM from Agarwal Jain family for Non-Manglik, B.Tech (CS), Jain Girl, May
1987/150cm/19 LPA. BHP to: +91 8003491144
AGRAWAL Dr. MDS, MHA, Nov 89/5’3″ Only child, V.fair, Own Medical Centre in Delhi of
highly edu. affluent fmly. Caste no Bar. Call/Wapp 9810625243.
B.TECH Working MNC Bangalore, Jain Gotra Mittal Girl Jan 1992/53″/CTC 30 Lack seeks
professional working Bangalore. Parents in Lucknow -9335903550
B’FUL Slim Agwl Hly Edu.35/ oGovt.Service, Divorcee Girl Seeks wl’edu stld Boy in Indus-
y/PQ/Govt.Officer fm Delhi/NCR/Jaipur. W’app: 9625142911
Alliance Invited from Software Engineers MBAs or Equivalent Education background, Settled in India, in Service or Entrepreneur, Preferable Hindu Bania Community for VERY BEAUTIFUL RASTOGIl/ BANIA GIRL30 yrs, 51 Born&Brought up in Delhi Software Engr. from DTU Managing her own Software business
Father Hailing from Westerm UPDoing his own Software BusinessKindly Reply with Profile & Picmatrimonygurgaon123 gmail.com
Alliance invited for Bisa Agarwal Girl, 28/ 52 Fair Attractive Features, PG in Interior Design Amity University MBA, belong to Affluent Business family Seeks Prof. Qualified, Well Settled B’ness/Job boy from highly affluent family Brahmin, Punjabi, Khatri also welcomed. Email: shrishtikomall8@gmail.com Mob. No-6388220673, 7985923675.”
HSOME JAIN/GOEL 57/68kg. BE(E&C) Sr. Engg Mgr/+75 Lpa US MNC, Live/work in Noida, 21.5.74/4pm Pnp W:9958606647, Email: jainl1974s@gmail.com
SM4 AGGARWAL Bachelor Boy. Living &Working in UK (Newcastle) as a Health care advisor & Property Business 5’10”, 16/5/1981.Qualified in UK.BSc in Pharmaceutical Science. # 447814 954057 &9811262687
B.TECH MBA manglik Jain boy may 9, 1993/12:05pm/5’11 Wkg in Deloitte Grgn 23LPA. Father retd from BSES. Ph 9953970690, 9654165822
SUITABLE MATCH required for a handsome industrialist B.Tech Agarwal Boy Sep.86 born 57″ belon- ging to a Chandigarh based affluent well established business family having high income and owning several properties. Looking for a professionally qualified working girl from a g00d family background. (Caste no bar). Contact 9816672424.Email anuj2424@gmail.com
SM4 AGARWAL Bachelor Boy June 1989, 172Ems, BTech- India, MS, MBA (USA) working in Canada (PR) 9899400905,enconak@gmail.com
SM4 FARIDABAD based gupta Unmarried boy CA, Dec’82, 56. teetotaler. non-smoker, Veg, Anshik Manglik, 9953230173 poojagupta.wedi2@gmail.com
SEEKING GIRL 4 Delhi -36 (Bakoli based Boy, 58, DOB:7 Nov 1985, C.Govt. Job, Family Income 30LPA Phone9810028489/Email: nkg345@rediffmail.com
SM 4 Very Handsome, Agarwal Boy 29/ 5’10”, B.Tech, MBA, Working with TOP MNC,30 LPA,From Well Reputed Family, WhatsApp 79008 47403
AGGARWAL boy 28 5’6 MBA Tier-1 Educated,30LPA in Gurgaon,family in Chandigarh Kamalsangeeta1994 gmail.com 9417579458
SM4 Amuent JAT fmly verh’some M.S (ortho) son 30/510Father renowned personDelhi #9650572345 logicalindian35@gmail.com
AGGARWAL boy 28 5’6 MBA Tier-1 Educated,30LPA in Gurgaon,family in Chandigarh. Kamalsangeetal994@gmail.com 9417579458