Hindu – Agrawal – Matrimonial Ads
Hindu Agrawal community
For the Hindu Agrawal community, the website has a special area that makes it simpler for users to search for and publish matrimonial advertising. Users will find it simple to navigate and discover the information they need on the website because of its user-friendly design. Users can use search criteria such as age, height, education, occupation, and more to find suitable companions who meet their preferences.
One of India’s most well-known commercial communities is the Hindu Agrawal community, sometimes referred to as the Bania Vaishya society. They are renowned for their determination and business savvy. The locals have a strong sense of traditionalism and a rich cultural heritage. Locating a compatible match can be difficult, but Fortunate Wedding Matrimonial Advertising makes the search simpler.
Fortunate Wedding is a well-known matrimonial site that provides free listings of brides and grooms from several cultures, including the Hindu Agrawal community. The website is made to specifically meet the requirements of people looking for a partner in their neighborhood. The hassle-free experience provided by the platform makes it simpler to find a compatible match.
With Fortunate Wedding, you may use a thorough platform to look for possible partners who match your preferences. Based on their caste, employment, region, and other criteria, you may quickly search for brides or grooms from the Hindu Agrawal community. Also, the platform enables you to submit a matrimonial advertisement with your picture and contact information, making it simpler for potential suitors to get in touch with you.
Also, our platform is totally free, so there is no need for pricey marriage agents or brokers. We make it simpler than ever for Agrawal to find partners with our large database of verified profiles, user-friendly layout, and dedication to giving a hassle-free experience.
At Fortunate Wedding, we are aware of the distinctive requirements and tastes of the Agrawal community.
The search for the ideal life partner can be difficult for Agrawals who want to get married. This is where Fortunate Wedding enters the fray as a revolutionary in the matrimonial ad field.
For Agrawal brides and grooms, our website offers a quick, simple, and hassle-free approach to finding compatible matches.
Hindu Agrawal can meet their ideal life partner by simply selecting their preferred caste and region on our dedicated website for Hindu Agrawal matrimonial advertising. Finding and interacting with possible mates only takes a few clicks thanks to our intuitive layout. In conclusion, fortunate Wedding is a trustworthy resource for connecting members of the Hindu Agrawal community. With a wide variety of search options and a secure interface, the platform provides the best experience.
WANTED BRIDE FOR GROOM, SM 4 Handsome boy 32 / 5′ 10″ B. Tech. IIT MBA IIM working in MNC 45 LPA father Afflent Business Caste no bar no dowry 9109966321, 8878958142.
WANTED GROOM FOR BRIDE, SM4, Agrawal , 41 / 150 cm BA, nonworking, unmarried Delhi girl, Father retired Sr position, CPSU. Seeks well settled / educated boy, preffered Delhi / NCR. Cont / what’s app 9650992784.
WANTED GROOM FOR BRIDE, SM4 bansal 30.11.86 Agra , 13:57 / 5′ 7″ beautiful MFA Fashion Design NIFT – Mob 9557836218 Email at :- bansalbb55@gmail.com
WANTED GROOM FOR BRIDE, RASTOGI, 05.07.86 , 5′ , mba , working in MNC, 15 Lakhs, Delhi based family, Seeks veg, well educated boy working in Delhi NCR. contact 9650890600, 9650878690
WANTED GROOM FOR BRIDE, AGARWAL girl from Delhi belonging to High status business family. 5′ 3″ , very beautiful, slim and fair, Age 26 years. She is an MBA educated in India and abroad. Well travelled in India, Asia, Europe & USA. She is independently handling a multi crore activity in family business. Very fit and regularly does yoga and fitness. Likes fine dining and holidays. Does not drink or smoke. Perfect combination of modern outlook, Indian culture and humble thoughts.
We feel successful marriage requires meeting of minds and lifestyle. So we are looking to establish a relationship with refined and cultured family, who are keen in making relations with good people. Boy should be well educated, handsome, polite having own well established industry. High Class Hindu families are preferred. Dowry seekers do not fit into our class, as it shows they do not have enough capability by themselves.
Semd your details :- perfectmarriagezone@gmail.com
WANTED BRIDE FOR, DUBAI AND LONDON based Affluent 4th generation Hindu Punjabi Aggarwal business family is seeking a suitable like minded alliance for their handsome tall professionally masters qualified vegetarian, 1989 born son, for a suitable match. The girl, ideally from like minded family, any caste acceptable, shouldbe slim , good looking, fair, simple, educated, homely sanskari and willing to move to Dubai / london Elsewhere , to make a long, loving and lasting partner and family life. No agencies and serious parties only please. Email at :- sunil7000@hotmail.com SMS : +971507254580
AGARWAL boy Sep 89/ 5’6” MS, PhD, USA, wkg LA, USA$ 130 K, father GM, Rajasthani in DLI/ncr, girl BE/ MBA/CA ok to settle USA, 9971011099 gupta965gk@gmail.com
SM4 Gupta, CA-CS, 88 Born, Fair, H’some, Veg, 5’11, Soon Settling UK, Affluent Mumbai Based fmly, seeks PQ, B’Ful Girl. Mob-8291278910.
DELHI bsd good lkng. Gupta boy 31/ 5’10” Global MBA wrkg MNC, from affluent, business family of Gurgaon seeks well edu. Match from an affluent, cultured and educated family. prfd wrkg Delhi/ NCR Email Biodata and recent photos to Panacea_ad@yahoo.co.in
SM4 Bansal, Non Mglk 5’9”/30 yrs B.Tech, MBA wkng in MNC, frm well cltrd edu fmly pref Delhi/ NCR pk Gupta (CA) 9873140501
AGARWAL Garg, Oct 1993 5’10” B.Tech, MBA Finance (wkg Accenture HYD) Non- Manglik, Seeks professional Qlfd wrkg Girl. #09415342397
33/5’10 B.Tech IIT MBA IIM Sr Manager in MNC 65+ Lpa Father higher Business no dowry Caste No Bar 9109966321, 8889314948
GOEL boy Dec 93/ 5’11” B. Tech (BITS Pilani) working in MNC Banglore 45+ LPA edu family of Hisar 8950926430
SM4 MAHAJAN B.Tech, 35LPA, 33 yrs, 5’10, wkg Investment Bank Status Edu. Fam. Pref. Work. Engr. Girl 9414411336
SUITABLE Match for Delhi Based 87 Born Singla Non Manglik Handsome Boy. Ht. 160cm. Own House, Real estate broker. No Demand 9818015482
MUMBAI based Hindu, non manglik/ 32 /5’4”/ MBA boy seeks Well Educated and wrkg bride. Caste no bar. 9560002181 Em: prg3457@rediffmail.com
CA boy 5’11”/ 29 Delhi based Punjabi Aggarwal Goel Gotra Non-Manglik Wkg MNC 10LPA seeks Edu, Wkg Veg Girl 8750760262, 9891090780
SM4 Gupta, CA-CS, 88 Born, Fair, H’some, Veg, 5’11, Soon Settling UK, Affluent Mumbai Based fmly, Seeks PQ, B’ful Girl. Mob- 8291278910
DELHI bsd good IKNG, Gupta boy 31/5’10” Global MBA wrkg MNC, from affluent, business family of Gurgaon seeks well edu. Match from an affluent, cultured and educated family. Prfd wrkg Delhi/ NCR. Emial Biodata and recent Photos to Panacea_ad@yahoo.co.in
SM4 Bansal, Non Mglk 5’9”/30 yrs B.Tech, MBA wkng in MNC, frm well cltrd edu fmly pref Delhi/NCR Pk Gupta (CA) 9873140501, 8076900752
AGARWAL Garg, Oct 1993 5’10” B.Tech, MBA Finance (WKG Accenture HYD) Non- Maglik, seeks professional Qlfd wrkg Girl. # 09415342397
GOEL boy Dec 93/5’11” B.Tech (BITS Pilani) working in MNC Banglore 45+LPA edu family of Hisar 8950926430
SM4 MAHAJAN B.Tech, 35LPA, 33yrs, 5’10, wkg Investment Bank status Edu. Fram. Pref. Work. Engr. Girl 9414411336
SUITABLE Match for Delhi Based 87 Born Singla Non Manglik Handsome Boy. Ht 160cm. Own House, Real estate broker. No Demand 9818015482
MUMBAI based Hindu, non manglik/ 32/ 5’4”/ MBA boy seeks Well Educated and wrkg bride. Caste no bar. 9560002181 Em: prg3457@rediffmail.com
CA boy 5’11”/29 Delhi based Punjabi Aggarwal Goel Gotra Non- Maglik Wkg MNC 10LPA seeks Edu Wkg Veg Girl 8750760262, 9891090780
SM4 Singhal gotra, H’some Boy, 166cm, 5.54pm, 21.3.92 Delhi convnt edu, BCA, Pilot, upr midd clss, s/o sr. govt off’r, seek B’ful girl, H’mly., Whatsap. 8826343451
HINDU, vegetarian PQM4 Delhi based jain boy 31/5’6”, B.Tech(CS) from DCE, working in MNC with very handsome package. Contact: 9289214501/ Jainfam100@gmail.com
SM4 Delhi b’sd Garg boy Non Mglk1991/ 175cm/ 75kg MS Wkg in Big 5 Tech Co.in Canada, PR, Professional girl CA visa prfd. E: savigarg874@gmail.com,
AGARWAL, Veg, Non-Alocol, Sep ‘86/5.11”, 27Lac MNC, Father Industist, Mumbai based Elite fmly, amitagg99@gmail.com, Mob: 9967815772
MEDICO Match for Goyal Veg 35/6” MCH (CTVS) AIIMS Delhi, Asstt. Prof., Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur bsd Fmly. 7410985456
BISA –Agarwal girls ,L.L.M Pursuing Ph.D September 87 born 5’6” tall from reputed business family in rohtak #9416052088
SM4 B.Arch freelance make up artist jaipur Bsd Smart Goyal Girl feb/94/5 seeks EDU ,Well stld groom cast no. bar Wa 9929620088,9828259590
SM4 B ‘Full slim fair b.tech MBA Manager TCS 5’5” 12-06-89 Reputed Agarwal fmly E: guptamc@gmail.com 9897669699, 9897290097.
DEC’91 convent educated b.tech ,llm amazon working girl, reputed agarwal /singhal family caste no bar.6377428205,9414054090
PQM fair b’ful ,singhal girl 35yr/5’6MBA Prm instt.wkg govt.sector 22 LPA EDU Dli fmly ‘uper cast welcm prfd dli /mumb E: imt611@gmail.com
SM4 ‘Bful slim 39/5’4”I’ Less divorce dentist girl from Rptd frmly seeks qlfd boy cast no bar,cont :9415031744:ambeymovers@gamil.com
Alliance invited
From south-delhi based well-estabished agarwal business family for their beautiful daughter (29,5’3”)CA (Big4) and master from USA ,working on her own startup contact 9289018737 aggarwal1190@gamil.com
SM FOR NM fair smart 35 (aug.’86 born) 5’7” BE, MBA boy wkg in MNC IN NCR . 25 LPA , south Delhi bsd rptd fmly. Parents doctor # 98101116641 email: delhi.gupta123@gmail.com
PQM4 handsome Goel 28yrs/ 5’6” B.TECH (Delhi) , working big 4 MNC (14lpa) , working girl preferred . contact: 9891076975, email: goelhimanshu63@gmail.com
AGRAWAL dr. MDS, MHA 5’3” / NOV. 89, fair , owns medical center in delhi . highly edu. & affluent family cast no bar. W’app: 9810625243
B.TECH MBA top B-school . delhi bsd agarwal b’ness family is L,king SM for their daughter sept 88/5’6” very fair , tall , b’ful wrkg MNC high pkg. seek IIT/IIM bnesman / civil service only #9990090779 E: ngupta0288@gmail.com
PQM4 fair NM Jain girl 36/5’4” B.E (CSE) I’less divorcee wkg . IN NCR , EDU. Status family settled in NCR , seeks well edu. Suiable match pref. delhi NCR upper caste status fmly. Email: matrimonyj1984@gmail.com
SM4 V. b’ful 20,12, 1979/5’3” rich girl MD Radio. Artemishospi. Ggn. 35lpa seeks MD ,IIM, IAS, IPS, CA 9178873269. Jindal-tiya@rediffmail.com
अग्रवाल धमार्थ परिनय द्वारा दिल्ली , NCR दहेज़ रहित विवाह पुनर्विवाहित के लिए अग्रवाल गरीब व माध्यम परिवार संपर्क करे 9899707811
B.TECH Civil fair agrwal, garg girl 5’3”/sep’85 wkg MNC Delhi 15lpa seeks profl qlfd match. 9871305690, 9958163723 guptaritesh197@gmail.com
PROF Qlfd (central govt.) match for b’ful aggarwal garg M.COM ,DIET, 24/5’3” working PRT in KV . WAPP: 9560484777 EMAIL: mgsahilg@gmail.com
SM4 Dr. garg 32/5’3”/ fair, A. Mglk girl MD (obs &gynae) completing in dec 21, well settled in NCR #9818020671 EM: garg981802067@gmail.com
SM4 NM JUNE 80 born b’ful slim 5,2” PG SRCC, working well settled garg girl of Delhi status family # 9810022101 , send BHP: tcgarg53@gmail.com
SM4 singla girl . 28 5’3” B.TECH SR.software engineer bengaluru 45LPA NCR based family 9717638587 WA only
SM 4 bansal slim fair b’ful 5’5” CA (F) 25.07.92 Delhi 11.44 am E&Y (I) 4.25 LPA . Father PCA, Delhi ,from HR 9868543031 EM: bansal071992@gmail.com
SM4 B’ful slim fair B.TECH ,MBA Manager TCS 5’5” 12.06.89 reputed agarwal fmly E: gupta20mc@gmail.com 9897669699 , 9897290097
PQM for garg fair girl , 26 mar. 1993/5’6” MD Radiodiagnosis , father MD Doctor, brother pursuing MD. Reptd fmly. Doctor boy prfd. Cont: 9888671677 EM: shibugarg20@gmail.com
PQM fair b’ful ,singhal girl 35yrs /5’6”MBA prm instt. Wkg givt. Sector ,22lpa edu. Dli/mumb e: imt611@gmail.com
SM4 B.ARCH freelance make up artist ,jaipur bsd smart goyal girl , feb/94/5’ seeks edu. Well stld groom. Caste no bar wa 9929620088 , 9828259590
PQM4 Agg. Slim fair girl jan ‘1987/5 ft/B.com(H) CA, Well placed fmly from delhi cont: nmrkmatri@gmail.com , 9212154072 , 9571704609
PQM4 jaipur based goyal fair B.tech girl 5’6” 12.12.91 10;32 pm Aligarh (UP) Wkg MNC Bangalore 18 lacs + 9166905795 , 9571704609
PQM4 b’ful fair NM Agarwal (bindal) CA ,girl 28/5’3”/ 22lpa , manager BIG4 Gurgaon . father/brother CA , Chandigarh based status family M: 9417014357
SM4 Goel , 38/5’3” /MBA (IIMC) Wrkg MNC Noida never married seeks wkg qlfd boy, M: 9412804530, 941088539 Em: sairammrt@gmail.com
B’FUL Aggarwal jain 5,4” Nov-89, B.tech , MBA (IIMC) WRKG Ggn. 30lpa .father CA Chd. Prfd. Vegetarian 9915252244, alka2148@gmail.com
Well settled , highly qualified professionally / business match from delhi NCR for fair, charming , NM Mittal girl 5’/feb,94/ B.TECH. ICT Mumbai , MS (US) pursuing phd from IITD. Belongs to highly educated family, having well established industry in NCR, send BHP to: mrs.ritu1994@gmail.com
SM4 BEATIFUL aggarwal girl 31/5’3″B.COM, MBA, working. prefrence Delhi based business /working boy contact: 9810093839 Email: rakta@live.in
SM4 beatiful jain girl 5’6″/ 25,02,89, 6:58AM Delhi BTech MBA Working HR in MNC Gurgaon, 12LPA, Delhi based reputed family #9810696255 Email;akjn1469@gmail.com
SM4 AGGARWAL girl Grag gotra very beautiful 5’81/2″1992 haryan born high family values Msc Nanotech & LWF HBS Contact Father Rajan Aggarwal CEO MNC Bangalore 98108988316
Mumbai Based hindu, non manglik 32/5’4” / MBA boy seeks well edu. & wrkng, bride , caste no bar . # 9560002181 EM: prg3457@rediffmail.com
MBA h’some , v.fair, GG. Boy mglk 05/12/1991 , dlhi / 23-59, 30 yrs / 5’10’ wkg NCR Delhi +h’som pkg , prf. Wkg. Girl – 8879729855, caste 9 bar e: w2sharad@yahoo.co.in
AGARWAL garg , oct 1993 5’10” b.tech , MBA Finance (wrkg Accenture Hyderabad ) seeks professional qlfd wrkg girl , mobile: 09415342397
SUITABLE match for 1988 born 5’8” handsome vegetarian & teetotaler boy, b.tch 30lpa co-founder of two tech company , father businessmen , educated & well settled family . preferred educated beautiful family oriented girl . 9872100559
H’SOME agarwal /goel boy 15 may 1992/5’7” / b.tech (CS) wkg. Gurgaon@12lpa , pref. edu./slim fair girl wkg in Delhi NCR , W’app/ call 9810914744
33/5’11” GOEL V.fair h’some boy; DCE, IMT grad chemical business; noida family caste no bar whatsapp: 8287433391
SM 4 very handsome, agarwal boy 30/5’9”, b.tech –IIT , MBA ,IIM , working with TOP , MNC 36lpa , from well reputed family , w.a 8755813474
DELHI based very reputed and status business family seek beautiful match for their handsome qualified boy 27-6-89/5’10” upper caste no bar (W) 7293866663
SM4 H’some bansai CA/ Nov. 91/5’11”/ 16l+/ wkg. In big4 , delhi based. Father CA, Seeks edu. , b,’ful girl . em: scg-7@yahoo.co.in , 9810129591
SM 4 garg boy 5’5” NM, B.TECH (IT) MBA (HR) , 27/08/86, 04:39am chd. Working in gurgao , package 07lpa. Own residence In gurgaon & hisar . # 9971101441
SM 4 h’some rastogi boy 11.10.86/2:10pm / 4’11”/ / MBA 10LPA Bank mgr in delhi . seek b’ful wrkg girl from del/ NCR Call/ W’app: 9990246595
SM4 Aggarwal 41yrs handsome widower businessmen boy with 2 children 13 & 10 years boy. NCR Resident seeks suitable match # 9312633540
SM4 DL-based h’some fair singhal gotra manglik boy 30/6’0” BBE-MBA @28lpa, pref. agg/UP caste working girl # 9910073227 , 9810727637
MBA b.tech working MNC Bangalore, jain girl Gotra- mittal born January 1992/5’3” seeks professional working in Bangalore. Ph- 9335903550 . marriage bureau excuse .
M4 tppr, astt prof, M.TECH, ph.d (ECE) –DTU,5’4” , V’fair, oct 93-NCR , rptd fmly seeks teetot’lr veg, IIT/IIM / rptd instt boy , W’app: 9650002092
V’FAIR b’ful bansal girl 5’5” 17-8-88 group ‘A’ gztd ofcr.IES (Indian engg.srvcs) pstd at delhi HRY bsd fmly 9318372811 skbansal325@gmail.com
AGGARWAL / jain 27/5’3” v.fair , M.A Mkt. London job in gurgaon from reputed f’mly seeks A-class (govt.MNC) busi. Dr. boy. Bureau not allowed 9319096244
SM for south delhi bsd b,ful fair , slim , bisa agg. Girl, 94 born 5,7” wrkg in rptd MNC in ggn. Gold medalist , CA, CS CFA , B.com (H) , schooling DPS RK puram, caste no bar 9810058706
Alliance invited for a extremely beautiful , very fair, 24/5’4”, slim, very intelligent , homely girl from a well educated family . email at: toiadvta@gmail.com
South delhi based affluent family seeks alliance for very talented , charming b’ful , fair , slim bisa agarwal girl. Singhal gotra 26/5’4” , DPS , b.tech DCE / MS , usa , working on optimizing company’s marketing spend of- 1billion USD , looking for suitable , well-educated boy from professionally / industrialist status family, preferably delhi NCR, status marriage . caste no bar . whatsapp 9312226126 rksdelhi@gmail.com
PQM4 GGN based agarwal girl, 26 may 91/5’3” 3:45am, b.tech, NSIT , working in mid corp 50 lpa. # 9810550737 , 9818824543
PQM4 noida based bania fair girl , 14.01.86 knp/5’ m.tech MBA wkg Infosys, seeks , b.tech /MBA wkg. Infosys , seeks b.tech/ MBA w’std boy e: guptarvind29@gmail.com , w’app: 9911307002
Delhi based aggarwal business family is looking for a suitable match for their daughter sept. 88/5’6”, very fair, tall and beautiful b.tech , MBA Top b-school, working in MNC at high package. IIT/IIM/ businessmen/ civil service only. Contact: 9990090779 poddarsnarendra@gmail.com
AGGARWAL (KANSAL) Issueless Divorcee Girl 5’6” Born April 1990, MCA 16LPA MNC JOB, Seeks Compatible Match Contact / Whatsapp 9968613710.
PQM 4 Aggarwal NM Girl Oct,1986 Convent Educated 5,3” M.Arch IIT Roorkee wkg CHD Reputed professionals fmly PKL Whatsapp 9041823232
SM4 V.b’ful 42/5’3” , Rich Agwal Girl MD Radiology Artemis hospital , Gurgaon 40lpa. seeks DM /MCH /Radiology /IIM / IAS /IPS /CA. 9437040839 jindal-tiya@rediffmail.com
SM FROM Delhi / NCR For N/M MBA Girl working in MNC Noida, DOB-30 September /1981 5:30 pm delhi cont : 9953858880 / 9810066522 email; sdmtraders@gmail.com
SM NON Manglik from educated family 21/12/1988- chandigarh, 16:25 5’4” CA in govt. Bank delhi , share bio data & pitcures 7016283120 NRI also acceptable Caste no bar
PQ BISA Agg girl, fair 5,3” may 1987 NIFT Grad, wkg tata group delhi as Mgr (jewellery Design ) seeks PQ Match wkg in delhi NCR / Bangalore , contact # 9810435566
MBA , GUPTA Sep 80 b’full, slim 5’3” , sth dlh , finance B’nes . elite grm only baniya , niclur fmly , jaiguruji@gmail.com + 999981769
AGARWAL 31/161CM Final yr phd, seeks well qualified decent boy working as class 1 govt. officer or own well reputed business, preferred agra , mathura , aligarh, only agarwal reputed family bio-data photo send by email: gargprasoon@gmail.com
WKG/NON-WKG Girl 4 NCR Bsd gupta boy, fair , slim , h’some , july / 1987, 5’8” / 67 kg, BBA , M.COM Wrkg in GGN, 5 LPA W’APP” 9910572537 . email: brijeshmcom@rediffmail.com
H’SOME 5’7” / 31 Vaish , MBA Mumbai well settled own flim production & travel b,ness , NCR Bsd b’ness fmly seeks b’ful PQM. E: rras2012@gmail.com # 9219660359
SM4 AGGARWAL Boy b.tech MBA , Product manager in a reputed company , salary 18.5lpa , requires educated, non-working girl from a reputed family , cont: 8755309176
SM4 FARIDABAD Based gupta unmarried boy CA, Dec’82, 5’6” teetotaler non-smoker , veg, anshik manglik, 9953230173