Hindu – Agarwal – Matrimonial Ads
Agarwal matrimony site Fortunate Wedding. Search here Agarwal matrimony brides, Agarwal matrimony contact number. Agarwal matrimony grooms and Agarwal matrimony whatsapp numbers for free. Fbook |
The Hindu Agarwal community.
One of India’s most well-known and affluent business communities is the Hindu Agarwal community. Members of this group are in high demand as life partners because of their entrepreneurial spirit, strong family values, and traditional way of life. Also, they are one of the most well-known commercial communities in India is the Hindu Agarwal community, sometimes referred to as the Bania community. The Agarwals, who are well-known for their entrepreneurship and commercial savvy, have significantly boosted the Indian economy.
Matrimonial ads have long been a very well method of getting in touch with potential matches for people hoping to find a partner within the Hindu Agarwal community. With a platform specifically designed to meet the demands of the Hindu Agarwal community, Fortunate Wedding offers a number of features and advantages that make it simple to find the ideal match.
The huge selection of profiles offered by Fortunate Wedding is one of its main benefits. Profiles of people from all over the nation, including members of the Hindu Agarwal community, can be found on our website. We take great care to make sure that our platform offers an equitable platform to all castes within the community.
Fortunate Wedding offers a variety of services in addition to a large selection of profiles to assist you in finding your perfect match. You can narrow down the profiles that are shown to you in your search results by age, location, occupation, education, and other factors. Also, you can look through photo-filled profiles and identify someone who shares your interests with our Search option.
We at Fortunate Wedding are aware of how difficult it may be to locate the right match. We provide individualized services as a result to support you on your journey. While you traverse the process of selecting your life companion, our team is ready at all times to address your concerns and offer help.
Finding the ideal life mate is quick, simple, and effective with a Fortunate Wedding. Users can search and publish matrimonial ads on the website’s exclusive Hindu Agarwal community page.
The website provides a quick and easy approach for users to post advertising, where they can include all necessary details and even upload photos.
Using fortunate Wedding has a number of benefits, one of which is the fact that it is totally free. Users can chat with possible companions and explore a variety of profiles without paying any money. The website also guarantees its users’ security and privacy.
The Agarwal community now frequently uses Fortunate Wedding to meet life partners thanks to its user-friendly interface and powerful search features. Find your ideal partner by registering right away! In general, Fortunate Wedding is the best platform for you if you are a member of the Hindu Agarwal community and searching for a life spouse. Take the first step toward discovering your true match by joining us right now!
SM4 smart BT’ech 20.14,0ENC 39 LPA. Gurgaon based well settled family. Contact- 9968020108
MALE 46/170cm,Agarwal family.Gurugramnancially sound. Seeking alliance from family-oriented educated girl Em: lagnmatri@ yahoo.com
POM4 Mittal boy 35/5-9″ fair h’some B.Tech /MBA S/W Engr wkg. MNC Ggn.18 Lpa Del basd Edu. fmly father Bank Mgr.seeks b’ful fair girl # 9650297150
GARG boy healthy 29/59″ B.Tech, MBA, Auditor(IT), MNC B’lore, WFH, own house Fanchkula ngs. 9417040421. 9872516830
MATCH for Tall Agarwal 30/6’00″”MBA (USA) Own ebod Industries based in Sonth Delhi. 9654992075, Email:onway08@gmail.com
REMARRIAGE. Male 48/ 171 cm,Aggarwal, UAE res.CA employed.seeking alliance fr- om family oriented educated Em: shubhmatri@yahoo.com
PQM for h’some 29/57″ boy. Affluent, educated family in South Delhi. SW engr US MNC 45LPA. Seeks qualified working girl. sahil.ag@hotmail.com
WANTED edu girl 4 B.Tech, MBA, h’some Garg Boy 5’8″, wkg Mumbai, Pkg 36 Lpa, 17. 12.1988,22:25, CHD, well settl- ed fmly Panchkula 7227939088
SM for Aggarwal Boy Oct84/5’8 Wkg in TATA Communications Delhi12LPA, Residing in Greator Noida, Own House Caste No Bar +91 8800771992/91
SM4 H’some tall Jain 36/6. Director MNC GGN 80LPA, issueless divorcee, Delhi bsd a ffluent business family. 9810696255
NM Garg boy 510″ Well estd fmly, 27-4-90, No smoke drink Law Grad. Famnily Business of properties at Delhi Gur- gaon Panipat. # 9896446064
SEEKS beautiful slim fair educated girl for Mittal never married 42/59″ B.Com, MBA working MNC 1OLpa. Cast no bar. Mobile : 8765583539
WANTED BRIDE Alliance invited for Agrawal /Marwadi Boy from afluent business family based in Kota 29 Yr, Height 5′ 7″ Fair, Handsome CA/ MBA working at MNC in Europe. Seeking Educated Girl govindfatehpuria65@gmail.com 98290-38189
Beautiful PQM For H’some Gupta boy sep 89 Meerut 5’6/MBA Enterprenour well settled Mumbai Affluent Family Share BHP W 9219660359/60rras2012@gmail.com
HSOME Jain/Goel 5’7/68kg. BE(E&C) Sr. Engg Mgr/+75 Lpa US MNC, Live/work in Noida, 21.5.74/Apm/Pnp W: 9958606647, Email: jain1974s@gmail.com
SM4 smart BT’ech 20.14,0ENC 39 LPA. Gurgaon based well settled family. Contact- 9968020108
MALE 46/170cm,Agarwal family.Gurugramnancially sound. Seeking alliance from family-oriented educated girl Em: lagnmatri@ yahoo.com
POM4 Mittal boy 35/5-9″ fair h’some B.Tech /MBA S/W Engr wkg. MNC Ggn.18 Lpa Del basd Edu. fmly father Bank Mgr.seeks b’ful fair girl # 9650297150
GARG boy healthy 29/59″ B.Tech, MBA, Auditor(IT), MNC B’lore, WFH, own house Fanchkula ngs. 9417040421. 9872516830
MATCH for Tall Agarwal 30/6’00″”MBA (USA) Own ebod Industries based in Sonth Delhi. 9654992075, Email:onway08@gmail.com
REMARRIAGE. Male 48/ 171 cm,Aggarwal, UAE res.CA employed.seeking alliance fr- om family oriented educated Em: shubhmatri@yahoo.com
PQM for h’some 29/57″ boy. Affluent, educated family in South Delhi. SW engr US MNC 45LPA. Seeks qualified working girl. sahil.ag@hotmail.com
WANTED edu girl 4 B.Tech, MBA, h’some Garg Boy 5’8″, wkg Mumbai, Pkg 36 Lpa, 17. 12.1988,22:25, CHD, well settl- ed fmly Panchkula 7227939088
SM for Aggarwal Boy Oct84/5’8 Wkg in TATA Communications Delhi12LPA, Residing in Greator Noida, Own House Caste No Bar +91 8800771992
SM4 H’some tall Jain 36/6. Director MNC GGN 80LPA, issueless divorcee, Delhi bsd a ffluent business family. 9810696255
NM Garg boy 510″ Well estd fmly, 27-4-90, No smoke drink Law Grad. Famnily Business of properties at Delhi Gur- gaon Panipat. # 9896446064
SEEKS beautiful slim fair educated girl for Mittal never married 42/59″ B.Com, MBA working MNC 1OLpa. Cast no bar. Mobile : 8765583539.
WANTED BRIDE Alliance invited for Agrawal /Marwadi Boy from afluent business family based in Kota 29 Yr, Height 5′ 7″ Fair, Handsome CA/ MBA working at MNC in Europe. Seeking Educated Girl govindfatehpuria65@gmail.com 98290-38189
Beautiful PQM For H’some Gupta boy sep 89 Meerut 5’6/MBA Enterprenour well settled Mumbai Affluent Family Share BHP W 9219660359/60rras2012@gmail.com
POM4 Goel B’ful fair girl wkg (Own start-up)Mar-92/58″ MA Eng north DLH fmly pref. H’some profl Qlfd well sett Boy / fmly Wap/call 9311817700
POM4 fair B’ful NM Goel Girl Nov 91/6’3″, B.Tech CS NSIT (DCE) MBA IIM wkg MNC Ggn, Veg TT, pkg 51LPA, Edu delhi fmly send BHP W’ap 8130394924
POM4 MAEco/MBA(ISB Hybd) 30yr/5’2″ Girl, wkg MNC,30+ Lpa, well settled Delhi bsd veg Agrawal fm- ly.caste no bar#9818335181
POM 4 B’ful, fair, Oct’94/5′ B.Tech. girl wkg in MNC, Noida from reputed fmly of Jhansi, seeks well sttld S’vice boy. # 9415228445; 8081413593
BANIYA 29/52″ B.Tech fair girl wkg MNC 1OLpa & 28/57″ B.Tech fair wkg MNC 7Lpa A.mglk healthy girl seek w.stld wkg boy. 9560644976, 7835046131
PQM for Garg Girl, Slim & Beautiful, 5′ 2.5″, D.o.B. 7.3.1993(at 7.35 AM, Faridabad), B.Tech CSE, Wkg IT, MNC. Well educated Delhi based family.Contact 9811527684, 9968238495
POM 4 Agarwal MBA BE working MNC Gurugram 45: Lpa 55″ March 1980, Father Retd. Exec. Eng. WhatsApp 9410666392, 9410407743
SM4 B’ful, smart oct.93/5’2″,Sanskriti schl,LLM( UK), wkngUK bsd co.,willing to sett.inIndia/ abroad, vistng india dec.,well edu.cult. fmly # 9810766704
M.TECH BFul, Mglk, Goel girl 14.02.1995(5:42 PM,Delhi) 54″/wkg MNCKP MG)15 Lpa Seeks wll Sttld. IT Sect/ Govt C1-1 boy. W’Ap: 9891109600
POM H’sm Boy 4 Bansal Girl 1491/8,26pm Del,54″ M.Tech wkg MNC Ogn,Prn Comp engr te Dr.9899711184,47069616, archana100.scorpio@gmail, com
AGRAWAL 1991/ girl Indore/58*, Anshik Manglik,MBA & CS, Seeking Tall, Edu- cated and Well Settled Hindu boy. Mob: 9425900047
MATCH for a very pretty Agarwal 29/5’07” PHD,Father reputed Businessman fromSouth Mumbai Caste No Bar advtl11@gmail.com 8879671714
SM4 Agarwal Girl 53″ March 92, MBA, Manager Punjab National Bank Gurgaon. NoVision in One Eye. Delhi/NCR wkg All Vaish Prfrd. 9810089422
SM4 Beautiful Gupta girl 1996/ 5’2″, M.A, B.Ed English(Hons.), working as a teacher,Delhi. Whatsapp Call:9911298432
PQM4 May 1988 born/52″/Msc Rastogi Baniya Girl have own Startup in Gurgaon. W.App: CV 9310827810 Delhi NCR, Prefd. Gurgaon sattled, Caste No Bar.
BTECH Mittal widow girl 53″ 07/92 wkg IT WFH Noida, 3yr old son, Father CA, AGM. Want job profile >20 lac. # 9650999544, maheshc77sudha@gmail.com
SM4 Biul Garg Girl 5’8″ MBA (NMIMS) May-97 at 9:16 PMBorn/wkng/ fmly bsd, inGurgaon. Service/Business man Preffe’d. Gupta- 9811837038
LOOKING SM4 Goel B’ful girl Sep87/5’1″/6:25 am Delhi, CA,CS 12Lpa. Pref WEdu. Boy from w’stld fmly. w’apph: 9811080836, 9818111146
JAIN /Mittal gweet, charming tall & beautiful, Sep. 1992 /57″ MBBS. MHA, Doctor Gir.preferably Delhi/NCR based Businessman, Professional Doctor boy fron Aggarwal Jain family. # 9871831448
PH.D M.Tech B.Tech Agar wal girl, May 1989/52″, wrkg as postdoc engr at IIT Delhi. frm highly edu fmly. Seeks well stld boy CNB 9890763476
FAIR, Slim/1993 born/5’2″/ IRPS Officer(2018 Batch)/. B.Tech Graduate (Computer Engg.) and. looking for a suitable groom preferably a Civil Servant, Doctor, IIT/. IIM Graduate, Contact: 9871606871 (parent) Email ID:del pari@hotmail.com
MADDHESHIYA, 6’2″/31, Fair & B’Ful UP Govt, Teacher Girl. Seeks an Asst. Prof./Med. Off. or equal to U.PGovt, Emp. # 9621391359
SM4 Agarwal Goyal Girl 28/56″ B.Design., MA Visual Arts, UAL London, freelanceGraphic Designer & llus-trator, working in Mumbai send BHP Dr Gupta Jaipur.Email: drdgp30@gmail.com
B’FUL Girl Nov 95/57″ B. Tech UCSD, PhD in computa- tional biology by Dec 23, Cornell US,parents Architect Affluent fmly gd net worth, pref US bsd boy, 9810870296
PQM4 Garg girl MCA Tha- pper wkg MNC Noida 20 LPA+,9 Sep 88, 5’1″ Prf ncr Noida. kundli match must mrg beuro excuse 9814341176, 9781541176
PQM4 H’some,Mittal, MTech/PhD, 36/157, Professor, wrkg. Delhi, 27L, Own House, Officer Fmly,Broker Excuse 9990045568 Em: guptadk123@gmail.com
SEEKING homely match for a 5’9″/ 36 years old, slim, fair, Graduate Bansal Boy own house and Business in Delhi. Please share Biodata,Horoscope & Pic at tarun _matri23@rediffmail.com
POM4 Mnglk boy 5 10″/Feb 87, Exec MBA – XLRI, MCA, Sr Mngr Analytics MNC Bank, Ggn, 38 LPA, # 9953775525 or Em BHP to kkg231@gmail.com
SM 4 Non-Mnglk Bisa Agrwl boy, T.Totler/ Veg, BTech (CS)Sept 87/ 5’10″/ wkg/ 24LPA/ Delhi. W.Stld. Edu. Fmly of S.Delhi Call/ W’ap 9810105486
BANIYA, BE-MBA,1983, 5’7″ Govt. Job, 22 Lakh, unmarried, prefer CA/ Medico/Govt Job, uppercaste welcome, 8851617768 match space@yahoo.com
SM4 Agarwal boy March 95/171cm BTech MBA fromrespectable family working inNCR Contact 9873002775 singhali612 @gmail.com
SM4 Agarwal Goel USA wkg Sr Softw Engg 34/5’9″, MS(CS),$2lac pa, h’some smart boy ofUMC reputed family of Delhi NCR. Send BHP M:9897107021
POM for Aggarwal, South Delhi Boy, Status Family , 62″08/01/95, 6:45PM, MBA, Work-ing BIG4, 21LPA# 9899462238 9899425281, rbiocl@gmail.com
SM4 Goel Boy July 92/ 5’8.5″ Practicing Chartered Accountant in Meerut Seek Educated Girl Wattsapp:9997802002, 9634852667
PQM 4 Goel NM Oct.1990, 5″3″ fair boy, B.Tech, LLB (Taxation Adv, Fbd, Haryana)father retd. Class 1 Officer,Prf, wkg girl Call 9891897899
SM4 Very Handsome, Agarwal Boy 28/5’10”, B.Tech IIT- Delhi,MBA IIM-Banglore, Salary- 45LPA, Well Reputed Family, SO WhatsApp- 8755813474
SM4 Aggarwal Oct 87,5’7″, fair, B. Tech, M.S boy working MNC Noida, 90LPA, Delhi bsd family, Pref., B’ful, Educated Girl. Contact: 7042631164.
GARG Anshik Manglik 17-5-89 08:20PM Karnal 5’10” B.Tech Senior Consultant Deloitte Gurgaon 28Lakhs Father Businessman 9896965868
HSOME Jain/Goel 5’7/68kg, BE(E&OC) Sr. Engg Mgr/+75 Lpa US MNC, Live/work in Noida, 21.5.74/4pm/Pnp W: 9958606647, Email: jain1974s @gmail.com
SM4 Bansal boy Sep 91/510″ Chartered Accountant wrkg in MNC Gurgaon 12 LPA, Family based in Saharanpur, seek wrkg edu. girl. Mob:8700423968
B.TECH Agarwal Boy 28/510″ /25+Lpa Anshik Mglk wrkng in MNC Noida. Lko based reputed nfmly. Father Doctor. Preference wkg girl. BHP Wtsap 9415005794
AGARWAL boy Btech 5’1″,31, 4-5 LPA, Running exotic plants boutique, deals in Shares, Father orthosurgeon, upper class nuclear family, self nearned/ ancestral property Agra. # 9412893294, 9456434569
B’FUL POM 4 H’some Gupta 34/5 “7” MBA, Own Business, Well settled in Mumbai. NCR Base reputed Family. Share BHP 9897373736, 9219660359
Professionally Qualified wel established bnPrincipal Architect & Founder of Rhythm nArchitectural Studio from Modinagar (Ghaziabad) well established business family. Seeks alliance for their Son 1998/5’9″. aggarwalrhythm3@gmail.com Call:9837006152
WANTED GIRL Professional/Qualified Match for Teetotaler Handsome Boy, 78 born, 167cm, from Agrawal Jain Family, MBBSDelhi, MD Medicine, USA. Working as Doctor in USA, Belongs to Doctors Family, Never married. at preset in India. delhi.abc.2011@gmail.com+91-9650703242+91-9650510142+91-96677381 13USA number +14435976541
BEAUTIFUL, fair,slim, well qlfd., July 93, 5’5″, seeking well settled, handsome boy from well Reputed family prfbly buisness settled in Delhi,NCR Contact: 9810789080,8860363088
PQM4 Garg MBA BTech girl Noida 22.01.95, 5’1″, wkg fintechco Mumbai 20lpa, father Senior IRS officer. 9953782450 (WA), arneral08@gmail.com
PQM4 Nov 94/5’2″ Masters (NUS), BE CSE wkg girl. Prefer Singapore/India match. Father Sr, Govt officer M: 8595418315
MBA BTech fm premier instt. B’ful 1989/5′. Sr. Mgr MNC Delhi NCR 40+LPA. Reputed Well Edu Affluent Status fmly. Ok to relocate. 9 599596275.
POM for B’ful girl, CA, 5’3″, July’94, Wkng in MNC 20Lpa., from affluent biz fmly of U.P, seeks suitable educated boy. M.No. 9415116402, 9453514881
SUITABLE Match for Never Married 5′ B.Tech Working At MNC 82 Born Girl Contact # 7042034305,E- MAIL kpvaish@gmail.com
GROOM WANTED A dignified, elite and well establishedIndustrialistfamily from NCR, running multi-location manufacturing facilities across India, looking for suitable match for their daughter. Bisa Agarwal, non-manglik, Mittal Gotra Girl’s Complexion:Very fair (Gora), 30 years,MBA from SingaporeAffluent Business family of high repute(Agarwal/ Jain/Marwari) May kindly contact: WhatsApp Message:+917011308302Mail ID:.mittalag308@gmail.com
SM for 27 yrs, Gupta girl, fair, slim, 5’5″, MSE, working Gurgaon Seeks well settled salaried/businessman in Delhi / NCR. Contact: 9810162160 Em: ajaygupta9960@gmail.com
SM4b’ful, fair, Mittal girl 6.7.90/157cm, B.Tech.wkg MNC Noida, 27lpa, fthr Rtd.Ch.Er. & Advsr. Sci. C. Govt. 9818844694 (12-6pm), 9990581234
PQM4 B,Ful NM Agarwal girlMasters in Mass Commu, 27/ 55″ working Delhi PSU, Father Director in Govt Org. Delhi bsd family. Pref NCR Well Settled Boy. Call/WhatsApp 9868152425
MBA Fair Delhi based Veg. B’ful. homely girl 40yrs / 51″/ Self Employed. Seeks Well Settled boy. Caste no bar. Call/ WApp: 9711321414
SM for MDS Dr. 93 born, gori, slim, b’ful 51 hmly yet modern girl from rptd Jain fmly. Family flexible regarding Jain/ Agarwal, profession 9424058311
SM4 beautiful, tall, slim, fair Dr. Girl, Garg 34 / 54″, MD (Biochem) Asst. Prof. Delhi Govt, Prev. Short Marriage. Doctors Family. 9810014671
AGARWAL 26/53″ B’ful Girl BTech MBA Wkng MNC Father Chief Manager in Coal India Ltd seeks H’some Boy (Sclass +B’sman) Both Prefd. 7351001184
Highly educated, South Delhl based, Industrlallst Jain Vegetarlan family, seeks for very fair, sllm, charming, talented B.Com (Hons), MBA-France, June, 84/ 5’3″, never married daughter, Allance (India/Abroad) from well educated, settled boy In Business/ Profession nimkish76@gmail.com 9810160619
PQM for B’ful fair Oct 94/5
B.Tech Girl Ansik, wkg MNC,
Noida PA 26L rputd fmly of
Jhansi, seeks well stld S’vice
boy. #8081413593; 9415228445
PQM for B’ful fair Oct 94/5 B.Tech Girl Ansik, wkg MNC, Noida PA 26L rputd fmly of Jhansi, seeks well stld S’vice boy. #8081413593; 9415228445
SM4 NM 5 girl,1988 Corona widow without Child MBA Hosp Mngt, Data Science.
father Doctor, Jaipur #9166550000, 8239366165
B.TECH/MBA Working MNC Bangalore, Jain Gotra Mittal Girl Jan 1992/5’3″/seeks professional wkg Bangalore. Parents in Lucknow, Marriage Bureau Excuse-70810 07927
PQM for BE/MBA Gurgaon girl, 29/5’1″/NM, Father IFS (R), seeks BE/MBA/CA match. Caste no bar. 9650012703
SM4 28/5’3″, Garg Fair B’ful MBA /Wrkg. Gurgaon, 22 LPA. Chd. based Reptd Family. Pref. B’man/MNC Boy. Caste no Bar. 9878708351
LOOKING Match for Gaur Brahmin,34 yrs,5′,fair girl, MBA in Health Management working with UNICEF-DELHI. Family based in Jaipur. Contact- 9829735046
SM4 Slim b’ful Agrwl I’Less Divorcee Girl 1982/5’4″ Dentist convent Edu, Seeks H’sm well stld boy pref, uppr caste. Wap/ph: 9415229805
MBA, SM from NCR for Non Manglik Girl, 30 Sept 81, 5.30 pm Delhi, 5’4″ Mittal Gotra, Presently Non Working Con-tact: 9953858880, 9810066522
PQSM required for 27/5’4″ fair,slim, marwari, Engg (CS) MBA girl wkg with TCS. Ph 9839052374 (Marwari, Agarwal, Jain preferred)